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    Let the sunshine of love light up your heart


    Let the sunshine of love light up your heart

    Dragon Boat Festival is approaching; in order to inherit the traditional Chinese virtues, carry forward the fine traditions of our company, and help the disabled friends to spend a warm and peaceful Dragon Boat Festival, on the afternoon of June 16, 2023, Galaxy organized an activity of "Let the sun of love illuminate your heart” . Our caring team went to local government of Gonghe, Heshan , sending our love and blessings o the disabled on this special Dragon Boat Festival Day.

    Gifts arrived and being unloaded

    Manager Liu carring holiday gifts, with big smile on his face

    Our team carrying gifts into the community together

    Manager Liu check carefully with their life and health and encourage them to build their confidence and be strong.

    This brought a lot of warmth and caring to the disabled friends and they are so touched. It has greatly increased their happiness and security.  After that, Manager Liu had a deep talk with the local governer about Galaxy’s development and Cultures.

    After the meeting, the gifts were sent to the disabled friends and beautiful moments were recoreded by photos.

    Through this activities, the love is put into action, so that disabled friends can have a happy holiday, and they can understand our culture and feel our caring better.

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    TEL:86-750-8383952  FAX:86-750-8383954

     Edited by : Xianxin Mo
    Audited by: Kenny Li